aww u shouldnt have =') lol
this song is good.. i don't hear anything wrong with it. good job on dis joint. its fiya.
Current Score
5.00 / 5.00 (unchanged)
aww u shouldnt have =') lol
this song is good.. i don't hear anything wrong with it. good job on dis joint. its fiya.
Current Score
5.00 / 5.00 (unchanged)
Yeah its still missing a little something but mabey it just needs a rapper, thansk alot man i appreciate the review.
ahh u got a couple wrong notes in there
the song is tight work.. i hope u had permission.
this song is way old bro
daammnn.. l00ks like yea got a hata on yea
its madd clean.. like i jus got out my shower type of clean. lol
hmm.. it sounds good like this.
but i like complex stuff so in my opinion.. id say add more to it.
i cracked up wen the beat first came on wen the deep voice came outta no where n said "you are now tuned in to a mother fucking low cash productions". i wuz like how ghetto. xD wuz da "mother fucking" necessary?
keep doin wut cha doing bruh.
oooo, i dunno y but i like this song
it sounds very... weird.
and i c ur using FL studio. I use it too, wut a coincidence yea think?? =D
check out my songs maybe we can learn from each other.
Current Score
5.00 / 5.00 (unchanged)
thx, i think hip hop is moven torward a more techno sounds and hip hop beats, t-pain and akon r alrdy usn talk boxes
When the worlds fate seems doom..
One man...
One mission..
One Beer..
Z A J E D da drunken..
featuring chuck norris..
on a kick ass journey..
---- Q U E S T -- TO -- FIND ----------
Coming Out March 2008.
(lmao thats wut ran through my head wen this song was playing)
damn u got talent in classical and hip hop... impressive
keep it up bruh.
what only one beer lol,
you got
a girlfriend that screams at you for no reason
thanks for the review man i appreciate it
hot track bruh.
those scary keys at the ending reminds me of the last level of super mario wen ur fighting rainbow bowser.. god those we're da days. I got 120 stars, can u fudge with that?? xD. lol keep it up bruh
you got 120 stars? i can play the whole game in 20 minutes lol, no need for 120 stars lol, its all about the rabbit lol
why haven't i found you earlier?
if this track is all original, I must say you got 100% of my respect.
I luv this track. Check out my tracks.. im a south dude, so expect wut cha gonna hear. im 100% original too.
Keep it up mang.. i wanna hear more
Thanks a lot, man!
Yep, it's 100% original, done entirely in Reason 3. I've checked out your stuff, too, always see it on the front page of the Hip Hop - Modern Top 50; some very impressive stuff as well. Thanks again!
Yo zajed. this sounds different.
Wayy different from all your other songs. And I like it.
This beat is hot, keep it up. My b about not being on aim.. my aim server is fucked. =(
ye i didnt even knew it is possible to do a good track with fl sounds lol until greeksta uploaded one
ok t.i. (sarcastic) =)
ur "drop back" song was better(maybe cuz its ur latest). like i said u need a new mic. hm.. ur voice was too low (in my opinion). raise that up. other than that the track is ok. 6/10 for it (above average) ^^. well at least u got sum skill in rappin.. unlike some catz on ng. well keep it up bruh.
it woznt me lol... it woz clum-z.. his voice dont sound nuthin like mine lmao -1-
fa sho n***a.. we ripp dis shit!!!
ur laugh still got me laughing. xD
damn i sounded hot on dat 2nd verse.
BUT ROFL. we got 0'd so fast. i didnt even get to finish my review. LMAO
damn dude this shit crazy. haha we got us some hatas. haha fuck it though. holla@chaboi
Recording Artist/Electronic Music Producer/Sound Engineer reporting for duty! Holla@me 4 Collabs & Features,
Age 32, Male
Miami, Florida
Joined on 7/3/07