FL Stock sounds for the win.
I don't like it. ;)
FL Stock sounds for the win.
I don't like it. ;)
ha... drum are all my personal sample collection hole... middle finger you fag face
wack beat. wouldnt rip it or bump it
thats because youre a moron and have no idea what youre talking about
R.I.P Lejin
Looks like you failed at that too cuz noone's mad. Be serious.. why would anybody want to be you?
-A pussy who's scared to show his face
-A 24 year old with no lyrical material
-A 24 year old with no talent in music
-A 24 year old with no originality
-A 24 year old who plays World of warcraft
-A 24 year old who try's to act black (who's obviously white)
-A 24 year old who pretends to be in a gang
-A 24 year old who stalks people
and here's my favorite one
-A 24 year old who talks to himself
God damn. I got a list for yea mayne and I can keep going and all you can do is make up some bullshit ass rumors & spread a bunch of lies. The truth's the truth kid.. That's why people ain't feeling yea music.. and that's pretty sad cuz it's ng
Your music sucks so bad that I don't even bother giving your voice a chance anymore mayne. All your songs sound the same. So I don't bother hittin' the "play" button with you (It's been like that ever since I released Where Yea Address At). So if you ever thought I've been keeping up to date with your music and listening to your work, I guess I can tell you now, your thought was wrong (and it's not like i ever listened to your music anyways). And when I say this last statement, I speak for many when I say this.. You can't rap.
P.S. I must say, Ever since you & cajete been hearing me say kid. Ya'll been overusing that term alot, and it ain't like ya'll say that on a regular basis. Maybe I should be telling you.. "U aint me" swagga jacker. hahaa
keep sending them 0's yo, I need more. lol like i give a fuck bout a ng score bruh. i aint like these ng cats.. i dont vote myself up everyday. I do me & get respect regardless. Here's something you need to learn for yourself Lejin. You can't force respect, You gotta earn it. So all these alt accounts you got trying to give you a 10 after someone gives your song a true rating.. Your only lying to yourself. And if you can't be true with yourself then damn.. You ain't gonna make it far in life.. especially at the age you are now
Looks like your still furious and failing at hiding it with your fading denial that we all see through. If you werent upset then what other enotion could motivate you to drop an essay? Anger? Face reality you fucking washed up worthless failure. You will never be me. You will always be the little broke make up wearing cross dresser Git Maaaaaaaaad~LOL
-A pussy who who wears his mothers make up
-A 16 year old with no lyrical material
-A 16 year old with no talent in music
-A 16 year old with no originality
-A 16 year old who got G checked and exposed by Ventrillo warcraft geeks
-A 16 year old who wants to be a gangster online(But refuses to meet anyone)
-A 16 year old lieing to himself into thinking he has not bin more than murdered.
-A 16 year old who stalks people on the internet using a simple google search.
-A 16 year old who gets no radioplay.
-A 16 year old who has no fans
-A 16 year old who has no money
-A 16 year old who thought he had his internet gang fooled about making 6Geez
-A 16 year old who is a racist and calls successful mega hit superstars "white"
-A 16 year old thats afraid to give out his address while sending threats online.
-A 16 year old who steals from his mother.
-A 16 year old who steals lines from NG stars like BrokenNeedle and Lejin.
-A 16 year old who with the intelligence level of a jamaican brain-fart.
-A 16 year old who suffered a nervous meltdown in a room full of angry nerds.
-A 16 year old who has no chance at making it in the music business.
-A 16 year old who failed at getting respect on Hip Hop NG from everyone.
-A 16 year old who hates Mr Big Bad Lejin(Hip Hop NG's #1 artist)
-A 16 year old who feels frustrated because no one stops making fun of him.
-A 16 year old who types essays on song reviews to feel a sense of revenge.
-A 16 year old who who has no hoes.
-A 16 year old who's internet gang turned against him when exposed.
-A 16 year old who runs from reality and tricks himself with denial.
-A 16 year old who who blocked everyone on NG.
-A 16 year old who is scared of a gae churchboy in skinny jeans.
-A 16 year old who will never amount to anything in his sad little lonely life.
-A 16 year old who has no cars.
-A 16 year old who used a voice changer to try concealing that chipmunk voice.
-A 16 year old who drinks so much denial that you suffer from amnesia.
-A 16 year old who cant rap.
-A 16 year old who cant compose music.
-A 16 year old who fails consistently at hip hop.
-A 16 year old who doesn;t know what a Dj is
and here's my favorite one:
-A 16 year old Keyboard Gangster who's sad little life is so lonely that he is forced feed on denial pills in order to function daily and hopefully sleep better at night in order to ignore/block everyone else out of your anti social sad little life who give you absolutely NO RESPECT+ :).
If there was a title for 'most humiliated/exposed lonely person on the planet'... That person would you Phonie Mosie.
Me and Cajete's question remains the very same:
Why yea Block me for? Why did you block everyone for? what are you afraid of? The truth that finished you in the first place? Recordings don't lie Dj StrEsSed.
Your music sucks so bad that people tell me you dont even score a "1" anymore...<<BANG>>KO!!!
Deep down im that n***a that you HATE to LOVE. Cause i am Hip Hop NG's #1 Rap Star who you formerly reviewd the following:
by: TheEyeOfMusiK
date: July 31, 2007
P.S. Everyone knows 'U aint me' you swaggaless pissed off Keyboard gangster banging on that keyboard. No one even gives your todler voice a chance anymore so maybe you should go back to using the voice changer to attempt to sound like a killer. LMFAO!!!
And when I say this last statement, I speak for 'ALL' when I say this..
RIP rmp 2007-2007
The truth hurts, Pop a painpill.(Denial Pills)
Imma keep it real
you'll need some flow to compete with me BN. And im not offended by the line cause people already know wut the deal was with the battle between me & you years ago. All imma say is.. back then i had flow.. and a year or 2 later u just got at that level on learning how to flow, your flow still needs work though. In order to keep yea name as a rapper you gotta go hard in everything.. you can't just be a good writer and have no flow.. cuz anybody can write a verse but not much can write a verse that can flow. I call it "half stepping" (comin' soon). like I told Ru, you gotta bring 100 wen you in the booth. But yea, keep dem tracks comin' & keep at it. No disrespect but lines like "Ses couldnt beat me" is only gonna bring problems to yea career kid. (just telling u wut it is mayne)
tryin 2 get attention?... dude all i needed was "Black Rob" if i put it out first we wouldn't have even wasted a day makin tracks, I had fun tho
Keep it pimpin'
BN out
The delivery/flow is nasty
I got dem fat dubz on deck 1.2 on da bags my man hahaa
this shit goes dumb hard my nig. BLAKA BLAKA
you know how we do bruddah, we go soo hard you'd think we caught a glimps of medusa!! bless don.
how cute.
the ravity vst. the program i used 5 years ago, get ur vst game up mayne. and the melody got potential to be good.. but not great. You need to get a little more creative with certain instruments. including your drumset.. the bass is too repetitive.
Yo thankz for the review.
lmao ok wtf
this track didn't get pass 0:10 seconds with me.. as soon as you said "turn it around" i turned off the track. my dawg crysis right next to me busted out laughin & my boi yung ru put his head down. this track needs more ALOT of work, get some swag kid.
And another thing.. wtf is a lyrical gun?
Wow, you're not biased at all with your votes. Lol. Learn hip hop. Fuck your southern "krunk" shit. Anything made below the Mason-Dixon line is guaranteed to fail. That means you.
the sample is NASTY
but i aint feelin the rest.
Thanks for sharing.
wut chu kno bout dat.
i actually made a song called re-up on my godfathers of fire mixtape. this song right here could use some work though... the bass is distorted and you need a better mic
i know this is garage music for our lil crazy az hood sw tucson B.I.C-THEFLOWMANN8
This shit goes hard. You already know
the swag is nasty. and the beat sounds like some city life theme, or like you say the club feel. the bass is bumpin' on dis track. ohh & remember my dogg crysis? he wanna holla@chu bout some beats/collabos. hit me up and keep up the good work fam.
ohh and yo u know the beginning? that hittin' synth instrument. You should try mixing that instrument down with some orchestra strings. For some reason this beat sounds like it was ment for some strong strings to back it up.
"which am i gonna take home" i dunno mayne, theres alotta fine bitches errway lol.
Bro I feel you. But at the beginning it's suppose to like a marching band playing and the orchestra play during the verses. I know you hear that orchestra back there! Anyway. Tell ya boi to hit me up in a PM or a Email or something.
Recording Artist/Electronic Music Producer/Sound Engineer reporting for duty! Holla@me 4 Collabs & Features, TheEyeOFMusiK@gmail.com
Age 32, Male
Miami, Florida
Joined on 7/3/07